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Welcome to Sun Doors
We are in the fore front of the plywood field from the last 10 years. All our products, flush doors, block boards, and wooden panel doors are manufactured at the hands of skilled world class high quality international standards with ISO 9001-2008 company.Moulded panel doors are made of face material from masonite one of the world’s finest moulded panel doors manufacturers. We use vaccuam pressure treated (VPT), kiln-dried, solid wood cores to resist splitting, warping, and other damages
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Manufacturing Process
In most cases what results is that custom shops usually abandon the idea of a conventional manufacturing process, and simply give projects to highly skilled individual craftsmen to carry out the task, from beginning to end. There is nothing inherently wrong with this method; it has been done this way for centuries. But by its very nature, it ensures that no two products will ever be exactly the same. We believe this is fine and even quite desirable for a piece of custom furniture or a painting.
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Ph : 0487 - 3212777